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Does my main water line need replacing?

While commonly taken for granted, the fresh water coming into your home or business is crucial to your daily life. The main water line that carries the fresh water is typically very durable and built to last. However, several factors cause breakage in the line. Commonly, these factors include corrosion, tree roots, or just the type of plumbing pipe used when the home or commercial building was built. 

There are a few tell-tale signs that could indicate the need for a main water line replacement. Among these signs, include:

Discolored Water - a brown tint or rusty color in your water could very well be an indication that there are issues in your water line. The discoloration is caused by corrosion, the type of pipes you have, or even soil and dirt entering the pipes through the cracks.

Soggy spots on your lawn - if there are damp or soggy spots on your lawn and it hasn't rained recently, there could be a crack in your main water line that is forcing water into your grass from beneath the surface of your lawn. If the situation has reached this point, it's likely your water main is in serious trouble and should be addressed immediately.

Decreased water pressure - if you notice a significant drop in the water pressure in your home, it's likely that your main water line is leaking and you're losing water. While there are many possible other reasons for decreased water pressure, a main water line issue should be investigated first and ruled out or repaired.

Spike in your water bill - a few issues exist that can explain a sudden and significant increase in your water bill including a problem with your main water line. There could be a hidden leak in your home that you're unaware of, letting water seep or even pour out.

Regardless of the issue that is from a broken main water line, getting it repaired quickly is essential to protecting the structure of your home or commercial building.

Contact John's Electric today for your plumbing and Electrical needs.

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