(205) 426-0583

Sport Court Lighting

Whether you like playing tennis, racquetball or basketball, it can get quite hot during the day in Birmingham and can be a hindrance while you play the games you love so much, even if it’s after 5:00 PM. The heat can take the fun away from the actual game and affect your overall performance. With that said, sports fans have been keeping John's Electric busy for some time now installing sports court lighting.

By having court lighting installed, you can beat the heat and play the game you love in the cool evening hours. It makes for a good sporting event, and your friends will thank you for it.

John's Electric offers many lighting solutions for all sports court lighting. Court lighting should be taken seriously. If court lighting is not installed in the correct place or the wrong type of fixture is installed, it can make playing any sport an awful experience.

Our expert electricians can evaluate your court and determine what you will need, to give you the best experience you can have. Installations are quick and easy for John's Electric, and we can your project was done before you can finish a set. Call John's Electric today, and see how we can make your life brighter!

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